Wednesday, 8 July 2009

'Challenge for a Finish' Finish

Here is the Challenge for a Finish callenge piece for july. The challenge was to make anything but use only 1 colour of variagated thread so my challenge piece is officially the scissor keep as the needlebook uses othe colours.
The home sweet home design is a freebie from here

This is just a repeating blackwork pattern.

And a matching little needlebook.

All are returning to Algeria with Tel for his friend Mohammed to give to his wife so eventually they will find their way to Egypt. I really enjoyed making them.


  1. Both pieces are beautiful!!!!! Those backstitching patterns on the backs are so interesting~~~

  2. These are wonderful! I love the backstitch effect on the back, very intricate and delicate. It looks great!

  3. These are so nice Lucy! I also like the backstitch you have used. They are truly lovely! Have a happy and Blessed day!
